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Genre: Action, Drama, Film-Noir

Released: 1945

Viewed: 2,129

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In Blood on the Sun Nick Condon (James Cagney) is a journalist for the Tokyo Chronicle. He suspects that Japan has a plan for world domination, so he dedicates himself to getting his hands on the ‘Tanaka Plan’, a document in which all the plans are described.

The Tokyo police follow him but think that two of his best friends, Ollie and Edith Miller (Wallace Ford and Rosemary DeCamp), are the ones who discovered the plan because they suddenly have a lot of money and are going back to America. When Condon goes to the ship to bid them farewell, he finds Edith dead. He finds Ollie and manages to get the ‘Tanaka Plan’ document. Condon makes the acquaintance of Iris Hilliard (Sylvia Sidney), who agrees to help him foil the Japanese High Command.

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