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Watch Movies in HD - Free TrialThis film offers a unique retelling of the biblical scripture of David and Goliath, set in 1930s Detroit. David (Kai Connor Keliikuli), a young reporter for the Slingshot Press, is fed up with Goliath (Dave Kilgore), the head mobster of organized crime, whose gangsters have been terrorizing the streets of Detroit. David decides to put an end to all the brutality and murder by writing a story in the press that describes, in detail, exactly what Goliath has done to the city. Davids friend Jésus (Akash Ahuja) fears that such a story could get him killed, but David, eager to gain success, decides to write the story anyway. The newspaper ends up in the hands of Goliath, who is furious and orders his posse to find David and kill him. BANG!! BANG!! BANG!! There is murder all around, and bodies are left lifeless as Goliaths evil smirk radiates throughout the room. What happens next? Will David beat Goliath or will the big bad giant triumph?
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