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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama

Released: 1947

Viewed: 1,267

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Princess Mei Ling (Barbara Jean Wong) pays a visit to the home of Charlie Chan (Roland Winters), where upon being admitted by Birmingham Brown (Mantan Moreland) she refuses to give her name, but hands Birmingham her ring to show to Charlie. While Chan is being summoned, a mysterious figure shoots a dart at the beautiful Princess who manages, before she dies of poison, to scrawl the name ‘Captain K’ on a piece of paper.

When the police arrive, Charlie has to admit that he does not know the identity of his murdered visitor, but that he means to find out. What he learns is that Mei Ling had brought with her to America the sum of $1 million. Someone has stolen the money, and it is up to Chan to find the missing money and the mysterious figure who fired the deadly dart.

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